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Easter Baskets

Hey everyone,

I am sure the rest of you are thinking "what the heck" like I am. Everyone is so confused, so over (and under) whelmed by life. This whole uncertainty about everything is so crazy. I have been trying to think of a way I could come on the blog and help, even just one person. I realized with Easter coming up, it will probably be a lot different but for the children, we still want to keep some things the same. Since we cannot go to target when we please and roam the aisles for hours, I wanted to put together a list of some things and ideas that you could put in your child's Easter basket.

Shop local - In my area, the Nutshell in Milton is offering pre-made Easter baskets and will deliver to surrounding towns. You can also pick out items to put in your child's basket and have them delivered as well. I am sure if you contacted some local stores in your area, they would be willing to do this. The image below was sent directly from the Nutshell of something that they can make!

Etsy - We cannot forget about these small shops that can still be run out of homes. Here are a few shops that you can have things made on and sent to you like Easter jammies (code Ashley10 for 10% off) or these adorable personalized sunglasses!

Tubby Todd - Fill up on the best bath and skin products for your kids from this small business. Their sunscreen is also amazing and something we will hopefully be needing soon. Click this link and use GOODCLEANFUN10 for an extra discount!

Candy & baking kits - Candy, of course. Next time you are getting your grocery order in, see what sort of candy is left. Order extra and store away until Easter to fill baskets with. I just need to make sure I hide it really well, on myself.

Baking kits - I know many bakeries like Montilios are selling cupcake and cake kits that families can decorate to occupy some time. Closer to Easter, pick one of these up and have some fun!

Corcsicle - The cutest water bottles, lunch boxes and so much more. They are also allowing you to shop their products online but do it as though you were shopping at a small shop. All you need to do is :

  1. Shop as you normally would on, then start the checkout process. 

  2. During checkout, you will see a new section titled “Support My Local Store”. Enter the name, city and state of the local Corkcicle retailer that you want to shop for (Ex: Primrose Shop, Orlando, FL). If your local retailer sent you a code, please enter that in this field instead of the name/city/state.

  3. Finish Checkout as usual and we'll mail them a check with their total profits once the program ends*.

Gift certificates - Print out or even make your own certificates for play dates to be used when this is all over. Maybe your child has been asking to go to plaster fun time, a new restaurant, or you have been thinking you should take them to the aquarium. Buy a gift card, support that business and use when we are allowed to go out. Even an ice cream date!

Donation - While some kids are still young and may not understand, it is never too early to teach a lesson about giving back. Write your child a note, discuss places they can send a donation too, give them the choice of where their gift will be sent. Covid can be spread, but so can't kindness.

Again, I know this timing is weird, crazy, scary and everything in between. Hopefully this post will help just one mom figure out how she can keep some traditions the same. Wishing you all the best.

With love,


Scribi Styles

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