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  • ashleyscribi

Amelia Fall round up


I hope everyone is having a great week and enjoying what has come so far on Scribi Styles. For today, I wanted to post some of my favorite items Amelia has for the fall and some that I still have in my cart. I find this time of year that staples are more crucial than ever in a child's wardrobe and I like to stock up when there is a good sale. I get a lot of questions about Amelia's clothing and where I get them. Below I have linked a bunch of outfits and a few images of Amelia in them from all different stores. You will see things from all different stores including Amazon, H&M, Nordstrom and The Children's Place. A tip I use for styling Amelia, when we buy or receive sets, I like to pair them with other items I already have. I find that switching everything up gives it a little more flare and a little less matchy matchy. You can also get more styles out of it this way! Disclaimer - I do not always love the quality of the Amazon outfits. I find that shipping takes a long time, the quality is not always great and they just do not seem like pieces that I will hand down over time like some of the other items we have.

I would love to hear whatever stores you like to shop for children at! I will be posting some Thanksgiving and Holiday outfits soon.

With love,


Scribi Styles

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